
Capstone: Population Modeling and Economic Valuation Salmon Population in the Scott River Basin, CA

Year Long Applied Research Project Co-Authored- 2022

Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) are a significant species of concern within the Scott River Basin and the larger Klamath River system of Northern California. Coho play important cultural, economic, and ecosystem roles. Declining water availability threatens both the habitat quality and availability for coho spawning. The purpose of this project is to determine the economic value of coho salmon in the Scott River Basin.

Drought in the Colorado River Basin: A Policy Proposal

Paper, Proposal Co-Authored- 2021

This proposal delivers a brief historical context on the complicated issue of water management within the Colorado River Basin. After which it addresses issues with past allocation practices. Ultimately, the paper concludes that moving forward allocations must be quantified and upheld and tribal nations and traditional ecological knowledge must be included in the decision making process.

Climate Adaptation Plan: Colvin Timbers Lake County, Oregon

Paper, Adaptation Plan Co-Authored- 2021

This adaptation plan focuses on summarizing the past and present climate of the study area and utilizes graphs and charts to show change over time. After identifying key vulnerabilities to the ecosystem in question, this paper concludes that adaptation plans should include forest protection programs, utilize genetically diverse sapling plantings, and perform dedicated monitoring of site conditions.

Environmental Impact of the Removal of Lost Creek Dam: Analysis of Effects on Salmonids

Paper, Environmental Impact Statement Co-Authored- 2019

Formally formatted to address all common sections of a standard Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the purpose of this EIS was to examine both alternative and mitigation options for the removal of Lost Creek Dam.

Cultural Appropriation Of Native American Spirituality

Paper 2019

This paper discusses the cultural appropriation of Native American Spirituality and looks at the methods of appropriation and their effects.

Analyzing the Relationships of Discharge and Chinook Salmon Escapement in the Scott River Basin

Scientific Poster Statistical analysis- 2021

The statistical analysis performed here was done in conjunction with capstone research. The analysis searched for a relationship between adult Coho and the amount of discharge in the Scott River. The results at this stage were tentitive and presented as a scientific poster.

Colvin Timbers Understanding Site Conditions For Further Research

Scientific Poster Including Maps- 2021

The purpose of this project is to help build an understanding of the conditions at the study site Colvin Timbers utilizing GIS mapping. This final poster briefly discusses methodology and results from the project.